Relationship Issues
If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationships, you might not know where it all started. The relationship started great and you were sure that this was it – forever. As time went by, the teamwork deteriorated and now you feel distant, frustrated, disconnected.
The closeness is nowhere to be found beneath the constant fighting, the tension is becoming too much to handle and the sex is non-existent. You might be wondering what went wrong and whose fault it was. Why do we have to walk around eggshells with each other? Why will the smallest disagreement start a full blown argument, and leave everybody feeling worse off?
Therapy can help rebuild the trust and intimacy
Therapy can help by creating the space where you can get what you need to rebuild trust and intimacy. A space where you can express yourself fully and feel understood.
When you are part of a relationship, it is difficult to take a step back and see the patterns in the chaos.The structure under the turmoil.
Identifying and breaking negative patterns is crucial to improving your life and relationships. A therapist can help you do just that.
Don’t risk leaving your relationship unrepaired because of stubbornness or fear. You deserve to be in a happy relationship.
If you are at the point of needing support, please contact us to see if we are a good fit to work together.
We offer a free 15 minute phone consultation to help you decide.
Contact Us
516 - 965 - 3635
We are prepared to support new and existing clients through tele-health sessions via a HIPAA compliant platform.