Person Centred Positive Psychology
Person Centred Positive Psychology is a therapeutic approach that focuses on improving that which is positive – your strengths, your positive emotions, your happiness – as opposed to alleviating what is negative. Inevitably, one is affects the other, but the focus during sessions is different. The focus is not on removing what is painful or difficult, but on creating more positive things in your life and overall experience.
One of the cornerstones of this approach is what is usually referred to as an “unconditional positive regard”.
This means that a person centred positive therapist will be non-judgemental about your previous choices and decisions and instead help you to see your strengths and the positives in you.
This approach leverages people’s natural desire to want to be happy and successful.
It recognises that what really makes us happy is not money or accumulation, but the depth of our relationships and the meaning in our life.
The main goals of this therapeutic approach include:
– To enable personal growth and development (or “self actualisation”)
– To reduce feelings of pain or distress
– Increase self esteem and the confidence in one’s ability to deal with life’s challenges independently
– To learn more about how your mind works, what kinds of things truly make you happy and which ones don’t
Contact Us
516 - 965 - 3635
We are prepared to support new and existing clients through tele-health sessions via a HIPAA compliant platform.