Family Therapy
Your family is not the way you pictured it. You wanted outings, dinners, vacations, playing games together, etc. How did we get here? You don’t really know how it got to be like this. Everyone is minding their own business, not talking to each other, and the tensions are high.
The connection you long for isn’t there, and you might worry that your children’s future life and relationships might be affected by this distance.
You might be thinking:
“Why does nobody care about each other?”
“Why is no one listening to me?”
“Why do I always feel like the “Bad guy”?”
“Why do we always have to fight?”
Who Is To Blame?
When tensions are high, it is easy to get into a negative cycle of blame. You might thing things like “If only my children did as they are told there wouldn’t be all of this fighting. Why can’t they see what they are doing is bad for them?”
But, as you’ve probably experienced, blaming gets us nowhere. Family problems are more complicated, and they are not caused by a single person’s behaviour. The issues are kept alive by the entire group.
In family therapy, we will first identify the negative cycles that impede your closeness as a family. We will explore each family member’s feelings, trigger and behaviours that contribute to the negative cycle – so that we can replace it with a more positive cycle that brings you together as a family.
Contact Us
516 - 965 - 3635
We are prepared to support new and existing clients through tele-health sessions via a HIPAA compliant platform.