Diagnostic Evaluation
As therapists, we have certain tools and tests to help us make the possibility that you could be dealing with a mental health issue. These tests afford us the possibilty to get a clearer picture of what you are expeirening and what you are going through.
You might decide to come in for testing if there is something that has been impacting your life significantly for a while and you can’t put a finger on what it is. It might be something you’ve never experienced before and you want to know whether there is a deeper issue.
After the initial testing session, we will have a feedback session where we discuss the results and possible ways forward.
The issues we can help test and evaluate include:
– Mood disorders (such as depression and bipolar depression)
– Anxiety disorders
– Personality disorders
– Psychotic disorders
– Eating Disorders
– Trauma Related Disorders
– Substance Abuse Disorders
Court Ordered Diagnostic Evaluations
We are prepared to take clients you require a court ordered diagnostic evaluation. We provide a fair and accurate evaluation. Getting ordered to get a mental health assessment is not a bad sign, on the contrary, it is a sign that the court is approaching your case from a positive position and simply want more infomration about your mental state to make a decision that is fair for you.
Our evaluation will be sent to the relevant bodies, along with a treatment recommendation for you if appropriate.
Contact Us
516 - 965 - 3635
We are prepared to support new and existing clients through tele-health sessions via a HIPAA compliant platform.