Couples Therapy
Feeling connection with a partner isn’t only a nice thing to have. It is something we need to feel like we matter and to enjoy life to it’s fullest extent. Having communication problems, constant fighting and lack of connection can cause a great deal of stress. This can affect your quality of life as a whole and lead you to miss out on an important source of comfort and happiness.
It might feel like you’ve been having the same fight for months, or even years. Every time it is about something slightly different, but the emotions it brings up are always the same. Disconnection, frustration, loneliness and pain. You don’t know what will set it off next. A simple argument about groceries might turn into a fight about who said what.
You might have thoughts like:
“Am I at fault in all of this?”
“Will things ever change?”
“How did we get here?”
“Is what I’m asking for unreasonable or are they just being difficult?”
How Long Can You Go On Like This?
The tension, anger and resentment has been growing for some time. It is hard to imagine being apart but it is painful to stay together. The negative cycle is seemingly endless. You want to feel connected again, like things used to be, but you don’t know where to even start. Especially since life seems to get in the way of any meaningful conversation – jobs, children and other obligations make it difficult to build intimacy and feel the closeness.
There is no need to suffer any longer. Therapy offers a calm, structured space where everything can be said and everyone can feel understood. We will listen to what you say and what you don’t say, so we can identify the issues beneath the surface disagreements and start on the journey towards healing and closeness.
If you are at the point of needing support, please contact us to see if we are a good fit to work together.
We offer a free 15 minute phone consultation to help you decide.
Contact Us
516 - 965 - 3635
We are prepared to support new and existing clients through tele-health sessions via a HIPAA compliant platform.